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Ankita and Lee’s Platinum Love Story: A Journey of Resilience and Devotion

Author: Anas Ejaz
12 July 2024

Steeped in mutual respect, Ankita and Lee’s inspiring story is a reminder that true love is one that only lifts you! Ankita Brahmaroutu, a Neurology resident at the University of Pennsylvania, met Soldier-turned-Investment Banker Lee Summerlin at a bar in Austin in 2012. Lee, who was serving in the US Army at the time, was instantly intrigued by the brilliant and charismatic medical student. What truly captivated him was her strong sense of purpose, which deeply resonated with his own values.

Ankita and Lee in their photoshoot | Wedifys

Source: WeddingSutra

Their distinct and demanding career paths not only helped them understand each other’s goals and priorities but also fostered empathy and support for each other’s fears and failures. Over 10 years, their relationship evolved from long-distance dating to a long-distance marriage. They nurtured a love that flourished not only in their time together but also during their time apart.

Ankita and Lee in their photoshoot | Wedifys

Source: WeddingSutra

Ankita reflects, “People with careers as intensive as ours often believe they can either have success or love, but not both. For a long time, I too believed I would prioritize work over everything else. Being with Lee showed me that the right person can be a source of strength, providing the support and motivation needed to navigate life's challenges. Whether it was the few days of vacation we spent together after months apart, the nights he stayed up to help me study with flashcards, the constant flights he took to meet me because I couldn’t get away from work, or the times he silently understood my troubles and gave me space to figure them out, Lee made me feel loved and cherished no matter what. With him by my side, I have developed a more balanced approach to life, prioritizing love and life just as much as work, and I am grateful to him for helping me become my better self.

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Ankita and Lee in their photoshoot | Wedifys

Source: WeddingSutra

She adds, “Lee has been a beaming ray of sunshine in my darkest times, always helping me find the silver lining in every situation. In a world filled with naysayers, Lee made me realize how empowering it is to have someone in your corner, always.”

Ankita and Lee in their photoshoot | Wedifys

Source: WeddingSutra

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Lee also shares his perspective: “Staying positive and cheering someone on is one thing, but supporting them even when their choices make your own life difficult is not easy. My transition from military to civilian life was a challenging time, as I struggled to make decisions that would impact my professional and personal life for years to come. With her calming presence, Ankita became my pillar of support. Being a military spouse comes with many challenges—the uncertainty, the constant transfers, and more. Ankita’s unconditional support not only gave me comfort but also clarity about what I wanted from life. Knowing she would always be there for me, regardless of where I went or what I did, gave me the conviction to pursue an MBA for a more stable future for both of us. The faith she showed in me laid the foundation for our marriage, and I didn’t wait long to pop the question!”

banner of #PlatinumLoveStories | Wedifys

Source: WeddingSutra

As strong together as they are apart, Ankita and Lee share a love so rare, it is best celebrated with Platinum Love Bands. Made from Platinum, the strongest precious metal on Earth, these enduring bands mirror the resilience of their bond.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is platinum Days of Love?

Platinum Days of Love is a jewelry collection by Platinum Guild International (PGI) that celebrates the beauty and enduring nature of platinum. The collection features a range of platinum jewelry pieces, including engagement rings, wedding bands, and other romantic gifts, designed to commemorate special moments in a couple's relationship.

Which is better, gold or platinum?

There is no definitive answer as to which metal is "better" between gold and platinum. Both are highly valued precious metals with their own unique properties and advantages. The choice between gold and platinum often comes down to personal preference, budget, and specific needs or preferences.

Some key differences to consider:

- Platinum is generally more expensive than gold, with prices ranging from 40-50% higher.

- Platinum is denser and more durable than gold, making it a popular choice for engagement rings and other jewelry that will see regular wear.

- Gold is available in a wider range of colors (yellow, white, rose) while platinum has a naturally white color.

- Gold is more malleable and easier to work with than platinum.

Which is costly, gold or platinum?

Platinum is generally costlier than gold. As of May 2023, platinum is trading at around $1,070 per ounce while gold is trading at around $2,000 per ounce.

Some key reasons why platinum is more expensive:

- Platinum is rarer than gold. Only about 190 metric tons of platinum were produced globally in 2022 compared to 3,100 metric tons of gold.

- Platinum is denser than gold, requiring more metal to make the same size jewelry piece.

- Platinum is more difficult to mine and extract than gold.

However, the relative prices of gold and platinum can fluctuate over time based on supply, demand, and other economic factors.

Is white gold the same as platinum?

No, white gold and platinum are not the same metal. While they may appear similar in color, they have some key differences:

- Composition: White gold is an alloy made of pure gold mixed with white metals like nickel, zinc or palladium to give it a white color. Platinum is a naturally white metal that is typically 95-98% pure.

- Density: Platinum is denser than white gold, requiring more metal to make the same size jewelry piece.

- Price: Platinum is generally 40-50% more expensive than white gold.

- Color: Platinum maintains its white color over time. White gold may require rhodium plating to maintain its white appearance.

So in summary, while white gold and platinum may look alike, they are distinct metals with different compositions, properties and price points. The choice between the two often comes down to budget and personal preference.